January 2002 – The Board takes on comprehensive strategic planning activities. Training is conducted for High School Guidance Counselors related to career issues.

April 2002 – The Board adopts the strategic plan and begins developing strategies. The Board selects ACS, State and Local Solutions to continue as its One-Stop Operator. Contracts are awarded to a consortium of local agencies for the operation of comprehensive, year-round youth services.

July 2002 – Larry Miller is appointed as the Board’s Chair.

August 2002 – Polk Works declares this “Workforce on Parade Month” and conducts an event nearly every day to improve the community’s understanding of workforce development issues. The first annual “State of the Workforce” report is published and distributed at the Board’s annual meeting and “Academy Awards”. Polk Works is notified that they are once again one of the top performing regions in the state. The first ‘Hammer Award’ is received by Marvin Hammer who was selected as the board member who had given the most outstanding service to the Board during the prior program year.

October 2002 – Polk Works is one of three workforce boards in Florida recognized for best practices in workforce development during the annual Florida Summit.

November 2002 – Polk Works and WorkForce 2020 host the first annual Literacy Forum to discuss issues with a broad base of community and business leaders.

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