Career Center Hours

We proudly serve businesses and job seekers of all ages,
including youth ages 16-24.
Visit our Locations page for our hours of operation.
** As of August 1, 2024, we have new office hours on Fridays! **

**Veterans and military spouses receive priority of service!**
For additional information about Veterans services, click here.

WT Orientation times (Lakeland office ONLY):
Tuesday: 2:00-3:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00-10:00 am
(Walk-ins accepted during orientation times)

WIOA Orientations:
For more information, please visit the Career Development | WIOA page.

Upcoming Events

Join us for an upcoming event!
Recruitment Event: FrankCrum Staffing (Staffing Agency)


One-Stop/WTP Orientation (Lakeland)


One-Stop/WTP Orientation (Lakeland)


One-Stop/WTP Orientation (Lakeland)


Community Partners

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