Develop Polk's future workforce
Seasonal help at no cost to your business.

CareerSource Polk’s Youth Leadership Training Program provides meaningful training opportunities to young adults ages 16 to 24. You are uniquely positioned to provide training and guidance allowing these young adults to develop positive work habits, and other critical skill sets necessary to secure sustainable future employment. It is through your dedication and commitment that assist these trainees with identifying possible career paths, obtain employment, and grow to become our future leaders.
Polk County Employers are needed to provide training opportunities for young adults ages 16 to 24. We are looking for our partners to provide the following:
- Meaningful training experience in a safe environment
- Arm trainees with skills and experience to better prepare them for the world of work.
- Allow participants to attend mandatory CareerSource Polk trainings during the training period.
- Review and complete the Training Site Agreement before the program begins.
- Provide supervision and feedback to the trainees you are hosting, including completing performance evaluations.
CareerSource Polk will provide participating employers with the following:
- Stipends for all participating young adults
- State-covered liability and compensation insurance for participating young adults
- An assigned Training Site Monitor who is responsible for coordinating expectations and communication with the training site supervisor and participant
Nonprofits, private, and public organizations in all industries may participate in the Youth Leadership Training Program at no cost. Interested employers may contact Barbara Mincy at 863.508.1100 x3327 or [email protected] for more information.
Note: Due to limited participation in some areas, all sites may not be assigned a trainee. CareerSource Polk takes seriously our role and responsibility to develop our future workforce. This program is one of many tools we use to achieve this goal so that our employers can remain competitive in this global economy. While we desire and welcome a diverse pool of employers to participate, we have high expectations that every single employer who serves as a training site will treat our community’s trainees with dignity and respect. We also expect that trainees are treated as employees who will benefit from coaching and developing when behavior is not up to par as would be the case for any of your employees.