Employer Training Grants

CareerSource Polk's Business Services Division can help you determine if your company qualifies for any of the following training or tax credit programs to strengthen your workforce.

For an overview of all grants and employer services, view/download our Business Services Quick Guide.

On-the-Job Training

The On-the-Job Training (OJT) program reimburses your organization for the cost of training new employees in the skills needed to perform their job effectively. It includes financial reimbursement of up to 50 or 75% of their wages throughout the training period.

Employed Worker Training (EWT) Grants

Polk County Employers may receive a 50 – 75% reimbursement of the cost of training current employees as they obtain an industry-recognized credential or receive training to avert a lay-off.

Incumbent Worker Training Program (IWT)

Expense reimbursement grants for customized skills upgrade training are available to existing for-profit Florida businesses. Businesses with 25 or fewer employees receive priority and, as with the Quick Response Training Program, priority is given to businesses in targeted industries and in distressed urban and rural parts of Florida.

For additional information contact Polk State Corporate College at 863-669-2933 or [email protected].

Quick Response Training Program (QRT)

This program provides grant funding for customized training for new or expanding businesses that produce an exportable product or service. Companies must be creating full-time, high-quality jobs requiring specialized training that is not available in the local community. Priority is given to businesses in targeted industries and in distressed urban and rural areas of Florida. Through this customer-driven program, Florida is able to effectively retain and attract businesses creating new high-quality jobs.

For additional information contact Polk State Corporate College at 863-669-2933 or [email protected].

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit offers a financial incentive to private, for-profit employers to hire individuals from certain targeted groups, who experience high rates of unemployment due to a variety of employment barriers.  For additional information contact [email protected].

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