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About this Workshop: Conducting a Company Ethics Audit
Conducting an ethical audit can be crucial in the detection of any impropriety that would otherwise go unchecked. This can include uncovering unscrupulous or illegal activity within your business, such as the unfair treatment of workers. For example, the audit may reveal breaches of external regulations relating to excessive working hours or an unsafe working environment.
The ethical audit can also help to identify other behaviors that fail to accord with internal guidelines as to how management and members of staff should be conducting themselves. These behaviors may not necessarily amount to breach of any statutory or common law requirements but are still deemed to be unacceptable workplace practices.
The ethical audit is not only to ensure that prohibited practices do not take place, but behaviors advocated in a company’s code of conduct, and within its written policies and procedures, exist in practice. The value statements of a business should not be at odds with how its people behave, where a dangerous precedent can be set by letting slide something that violates your ethics policy.
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